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The order process to the producer partner is carried out on working days, around 1-2 days after payment is received.

For DIY (Yogyakarta) and Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) areas:

  • Around 2 – 4 working days since the ordered product is complete and the receipt number is informed to the customer (Fast express package Delivery)
  • Around 4 – 7 working days since the ordered product is complete and the receipt number is informed to the customer (Regular package delivery)

For Other than DIY (Yogyakarta) & Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) areas

  • Around 2 – 4 working days since the ordered product is complete and the receipt number is informed to the customer (Fast express package delivery)
  • Around 4 – 7 working days since the ordered product is complete and the receipt number is informed to the customer (Regular package delivery)

Provide information via comment message about the solution that you want to take.

Sorry, they cannot be refunded or replaced by other products.

We can process the change of address if you have not made the payment process or when the product has not been sent to the expedition.

You can check it directly on the respective expedition websites:

  • Pos Indonesia:
  • JNE:
  • J&T:

If you order via the ARMEP Web:

  • Login first – Select Transaction Menu-Confirm payment (fill in the data according to the transfer date and the nominal transferred)

If you order via Whatsapp:

  • You can send photos of proof of transfer via Whatsapp and include the format: Customer name + Shopping code/product purchased

For products that are not suitable:

They can be returned. Please provide information and confirmation beforehand in the comment message or Whatsapp no later than 1 working day after the product is received.

For Damaged / Defective products:

You can send photos of the damaged/defective products via Whatsapp.

Give notes in the package to be returned with following format:

Name + Shopping Code + Return Reasons

Send the Package to the address:

ARMEP/ARS Management

Perum Bumi Cemerlang No.5, Rt. 11, Rw. 04, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta, 55244

Confirm the package receipt number that you have returned in the comment message or via Whatsapp.

Maximum estimated return is within 7 working days.

Refunds can be done:

  1. If the type of product sent is not according to order
  2. If the product sent is defected
  3. Refunds will be processed when all the products have been returned and received by ARMEP

Refunds are done by transferring to the customer’s bank account according to the data recorded that has been confirmed to the customer via Whatsapp.

Estimated transfer refund is within 1-3 working days and a maximum of 7 working days.

[:] [:id]

Untuk proses pemesanan ke mitra produsen dilakukan saat hari kerja, estimasi 1-2 hari setelah pembayaran diterima.

Untuk wilayah DIY dan Jabodetabek:

  • Estimasi 2 – 4 hari kerja sejak produk pesanan lengkap dan nomor resi di info costumer. Pengiriman dengan paket kilat cepat
  • Estimasi 4 – 7 hari kerja sejak produk pesanan lengkap dan nomor resi di info customer. Pengiriman dengan paket biasa

Untuk wilayah Non-DIY & Jabodetabek:

  • Estimasi 2 – 4 hari kerja sejak produk pesanan lengkap dan nomor resi di info costumer. Pengiriman dengan paket kilat cepat
  • Estimasi 4 – 7 hari kerja sejak produk pesanan lengkap dan nomor resi di info customer. Pengiriman dengan paket biasa

Berikan informasi melalui komentar pesan mengenai solusi yang ingin Anda tempuh

Mohon maaf untuk produk yang sudah terbeli tidak dapat direfund ataupun diganti produk lain

Untuk penggantian alamat dapat kami proses jika Anda belum melakukan proses pembayaran ataupun ketika produk belum disetorkan kepada ekspedisi terkait

Bisa cek langsung ke website ekspedisi masing-masing :

  • Pos Indonesia:
  • JNE:
  • J&T:

Jika Anda order melalui Web ARMEP:

  • Login terlebih dahulu – Pilih Menu Transaksi-Konfirmasi pembayaran (isi data sesuai dengan Tanggal transfer dan nominal yang ditransfer)

Jika order melalui WA :

  • Anda bisa kirim foto bukti transfer melalui WA dan sertakan format : Nama pemesan + Kode belanja/produk yang dibeli

Untuk produk yang tidak sesuai :

Bisa diretur, sebelumnya info & konfirmasi terlebih dahulu di komentar pesan, WA maksimal 1 hari kerja setelah produk diterima

Untuk produk Rusak/Cacat :

Anda bisa kirim bukti foto produk yang rusak/cacat ke WA.

Berikan catatan di dalam paket yang akan diretur seperti :

Nama+Kode Belanja+Alasan Retur

Kirim Paket tersebut ke alamat :

ARMEP/ARS Management

Perum Bumi Cemerlang No.5, Rt. 11, Rw. 04, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta, 55244

Konfirmasi no resi paket yang sudah Anda Retur di komentar pesan/ WA

Maksimal estimasi Retur dalam waktu 7 hari kerja.

Refund dapat dilakukan:

  1. Jika jenis produk yang dikirim tidak sesuai pesanan
  2. Jika produk yang dikirim cacat produk
  3. Refund akan diproses ketika seluruh produk tersebut sudah diretur dan diterima oleh ARMEP

Refund dilakukan melalui transfer ke rekening customer sesuai dengan data yang tercatat di ARMEP yang telah dikonfirmasi ke customer melalui wa.

Estimasi pengembalian uang secara transfer 1-3 hari kerja dan maksimal 7 hari kerja.


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